Thursday, February 3, 2011

January was a delightful month

January was a delightful month this year
Many laughs with dear friends. 
Many fun pre-birthday parties.
Many beautiful birthday gifts from very close friends and fam.
Then the night of my actual B-day...there was the casino:)
I can't complain.

Here are some  photos of a few of my BEAUTIFUL gifts from my loves. MWAH!

 Above is from one of my preschoolers (M.R.) purchased from Bittersweet. A lovely store in Brockport, NY. (if you didn't know, I collect suns)

This is an antique wall hanging that plays music when the string is pulled...from Bear.

Again, from Dave. Lovely vintage Pyrex bowls, in which I love so much!

A lovely cup with a very funny inside joke attached to it- from Miss Brittany Doherty. xo

Dave bought me a rare depression glass plate. It's a vasoline piece, the pattern is "Butterfly Garden".

My BFF Aimee Trinca bought me this freaking awesome vintage iron owl wall hanging from Esty. LOVE.

Again, thank you all so much for the cards, gifts, and kind words! 
Next blog I will be posting pics of the Casino adventure! 
I just have to figure out how to download pictures from my new camera from Dave (also a birthday gift<3

Kimmie B.