Sunday, January 15, 2012

Giving old things New life.

I am on my way.

Last Sunday I sat down and learned how to 
thread my sewing machine.
Since it has been 12 years since the last time
I have done this and on a completely different type
of machine, 
it didn't come easy.
Honestly I took me a good hour to finally do
this successfully!
But I am on my way.
I have been practicing and I am actually not as 
bad as I thought I would be!


I am going to attempt a simple throw pillow.
I bought a patter for pillows I can follow.
I have a ton of vintage fabric and the stuffing!
Let's see how this goes!


I found a few gorgeous pillows made out of 
recycled vintage fabric.
I hope someday mine look as beautiful as these!!!

So bright and uplifting!
Makes me wanna put them all together, lay on em and snuggle up 
with a good book!
Just lovely<3

Wish me luck:)

Always inspiring, 
Kimmie B.