Wednesday, July 11, 2012

First HanDmaDe Sell on Etsy!

I finally did it!!!
I finally listed my fat little birdies on The Vintage Gambler 
(my little vintage store on
I mentioned about listing these a few months back....
Well yesterday was my first sell on my website!
It may be small but it feel freaking fantastic!
Back in fall of 2011 
my friend Jennifer asked me to make a bunch of 
chubbies for her booth at the Cobblestone Creek annual craft fair.
Needless to say all of about a dozen or so sold but two:)
So these little dudes must be as cute as I think they are.
Check out the one below that sold:)


Here are the others featured under 
"Kimmie's Handmades"
@ The Vintage Gambler

I am very excited about all this!
I hope I sell more soon:)