Saturday, October 15, 2011


I finally did it!
I was very nervous
and I kept putting it off.
(nearly a year now!)
Tattoos are forever.
 But now that it is finally done,
I have no regrets.
It came out MORE than perfect 
to me:)

A skeleton key's history brief

These keys were common in both cabinetry 
and door locks in early Colonial America 
and remained in common usage within the United States through the 1940s,
 giving way after World War II to the pin tumbler lock.
 Most skeleton keys and their locks were formed of brass, 
although pewter was sometimes used as well. 
They were commonly available at hardware and other stores.
 Today, skeleton keys are associated with fine cabinetry.
 The types used in cabinetry rarely have double-acting levers 
and hence tend to be fairly insecure. 
Skeleton keys are also found in many vending machines, 
and handcuffs, 
so that if one key gets lost,
 the item will still be able to unlock.

Special Meaning

We all know how much I love antiques.
Why wouldn't I be 
infatuated by skeleton keys?
They are from my favorite history period!
But beyond my love for history...
I was once a little girl with a BIG 
Have you ever read the book Secret Garden?
Or seen the movie as a young child?
Best MOVIE and BOOK 
Especially for a young girl:)
I was so obsessed with this movie when I was
that I would stay up late 
and crawl under my bed 
with my key and pretend I was Mary.
It's very endearing to me to think about 
this part of my youth,
as a little girl:)
So naturally I wanted to get
a tattoo of a skeleton key 
to represent my found memories 
as a child.
I also look at keys as
the opening to the past, present, and future.
And since my key is on my left wrist it points toward my
heart and my wedding bands...
which symbolizes my love for my husband.
So I guess this tattoo is my most meaningful 
out of the 5 I have.
My skeleton key has many symbolic meanings to me.
Loves it!
Have a beautiful weekend:)
Kimmie Boscoe